News of the 2006 year:
(02 Ноябрь 2006 00:58) Release TrueBSD 0.1
The first stable release of TrueBSD, the LiveCD-distro based on FreeBSD, is now available.
(14 September 2006 21:30) New tutorial on Portal
New tutorial on Portal — "Authorisation system on environment variables."
(13 September 2006 02:25) Programmers' Day!
Today is Programmers' Day! We congratulate all programmers.
(13 September 2006 00:32) RSS feed was opened.
For the most friendly reading our news RSS feed is available now on NetSago.
(20 August 2006 00:19) RTK mirror
We have made mirror for RTK Linux project.
(15 August 2006 23:44) Some updates.
Notes module has been updated. From this moment you can comment any note (even if you are an anonymous user).
(13 August 2006 02:37) Registration is working.
Registration is works now. So, now you can register and get access to hidden options of our website. Enjoy! ;)
(12 August 2006 00:26) Opening
We've just opened. Of course there are still a bit of bugs.